Inception [2010] Are We In Limbo? (HD)

在電影中,進入到潛意識的第三層就是極限,到了第四層就是虛無的「混沌域Limbo」,然而「Limbo」這個字在拉丁文中是一個神學的字,中文翻譯為「靈薄獄」,是用 ...,WhenyoudieandendinLimbo,itistruethatyoumerelyhavetokillyourselftowakeup.Butyoudon'tknowanymor...。參考影片的文章的如下:



在電影中,進入到潛意識的第三層就是極限,到了第四層就是虛無的「混沌域Limbo」,然而「Limbo」這個字在拉丁文中是一個神學的字,中文翻譯為「靈薄獄」,是用 ...

Blurry rules of Inception

When you die and end in Limbo, it is true that you merely have to kill yourself to wake up. But you don't know anymore that you're dreaming. You ...

What exactly does limbo mean as shown in the movie Inception?

Limbo is a deep subconscious level where knowledge of the reality is lost forever. The person stuck in limbo will believe that limbo is real ...

How Cobb & Mal Went Into Limbo In Inception

In the world of Inception, Limbo is an expanse of infinite raw subconscious at the deepest dream level. Here's how Mal and Cobb got there.

全面啟動難題解析— limbo, kick and bearer

但這些limbo居然都跟Cobb的limbo是同一個!不知為何,國內外的網友 ... 在Inception中,limbo可能是以榮格學說的「集體潛意識」為藍本的。 回覆 ...


根据影片描述,3层梦境+Limbo,并且在Limbo中有2种意识形态,为什么有2种意识形态呢,因为进入的方法不同。 ... 好了,接下来说说为什么第四层梦境是不存在的: 1.

Limbo | Inception Wiki

Limbo is a dimension that can allow a dreamer to manifest their deepest desires, but also unwittingly trap themselves in a world where they lose their ...

《全面啟動》Inception 夢境裡的地獄之遊- 電影文學希米露

那麼,limbo,是什麼呢?它是中古世紀天主教裡所認為的「地獄的邊緣」。在但丁的《神曲》裡,也有個limbo,是進入 ...

Can someone explain what limbo is : rInception

Limbo is the shared dream space. It is a dream that has no architect, unlike other levels of dream depicted in the movie.


Cobb改變了陀螺又代表什麼意義?Mal能否分出Limbo是夢境或是真實? Mal將靜止的陀螺鎖在潛意識深處並試著遺忘,應是代表著將能表明現處的Limbo是夢境的證據, ...


在電影中,進入到潛意識的第三層就是極限,到了第四層就是虛無的「混沌域Limbo」,然而「Limbo」這個字在拉丁文中是一個神學的字,中文翻譯為「靈薄獄」,是用 ...,WhenyoudieandendinLimbo,itistruethatyoumerelyhavetokillyourselftowakeup.Butyoudon'tknowanymorethatyou'redreaming.You ...,Limboisadeepsubconsciouslevelwhereknowledgeoftherealityislostforever.Thepersonstuckinlimbowillbelievethatlimboisreal ...,I...